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Creates a new user.

final res = await supabase.auth.signUp('', 'example-password');

final user =;
final error = res.error;


  • By default, the user will need to verify their email address before logging in. If you would like to change this, you can disable "Email Confirmations" by going to Authentication -> Settings on
  • If "Email Confirmations" is turned on, a user is returned but session will be null
  • If "Email Confirmations" is turned off, both a user and a session will be returned
  • When the user confirms their email address, they will be redirected to localhost:3000 by default. To change this, you can go to Authentication -> Settings on


Sign up.

final res = await supabase.auth.signUp('', 'example-password');

final user =;
final error = res.error;

Sign up with third-party providers.

If you are using Flutter, you can sign up with OAuth providers using the signInWithProvider() method available on supabase_flutter.