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Signs the user in using third party OAuth providers.

final res = await supabase.auth.signInWithProvider(Provider.github);

final error = res.error;


  • auth.signInWithProvider() is only available on supabase_flutter
  • It will open the browser to the relevant login page.


Sign in with provider.

final res = await supabase.auth.signInWithProvider(Provider.github);

final error = res.error;

With redirectTo

Specify the redirect link to bring back the user via deeplink. Note that redirectTo should be null for Flutter Web.

final res = await supabase.auth.signInWithProvider(
options: AuthOptions(
redirectTo: kIsWeb
? null
: 'io.supabase.flutter://reset-callback/'),

final error = res.error;

With scopes

If you need additional data from an OAuth provider, you can include a space-separated list of scopes in your request to get back an OAuth provider token. You may also need to specify the scopes in the provider's OAuth app settings, depending on the provider.

const { user, session, error } = await supabase.auth.signIn({
provider: 'github'
}, {
scopes: 'repo gist notifications'
const oAuthToken = session.provider_token // use to access provider API