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Log in an existing user, or login via a third-party provider.

final res = await supabase.auth.signIn(email: '', password: 'example-password');

final user =;
final error = res.error;


  • A user can sign up via email, phone number.
  • If you provide email without a password, the user will be sent a magic link.
  • The magic link's destination URL is determined by the SITE_URL config variable. To change this, you can go to Authentication -> Settings on
  • Similarly, if you provide phone without a password, the user will be sent a one time password.
  • If you are looking to sign users in with OAuth in Flutter apps, go to signInWithProvider().


Sign in with email.

final res = await supabase.auth.signIn(email: '', password: 'example-password');

final user =;
final error = res.error;

If email is provided, but no password is provided, the user will be sent a "magic link" to their email address, which they can click to open your application with a valid session. By default, a given user can only request a Magic Link once every 60 seconds.

final res = await supabase.auth.signIn(email: '');

final error = res.error;

Get OAuth sign in URL.

Passing provider parameter to signIn() will return a URL to sign your user in via OAuth. If you are looking to sign in a user via OAuth on Flutter app, go to signInWithProvider().

final res = await supabase.auth.signIn(provider: Provider.github);

final url =;
final error = res.error;